This is quite a week!!! Laurie sent me a lovely trio of Blue Sky Alpaca. She is so sweet to think of me. But how did she know that I needed such a treat this week of all weeks!!! My mom's illness and other events have made life challenging lately. Leave it to the kindness of the blogoshere to come to the aid of the weary.
I did continue working on socks for my mom. I'm coming down the home stretch of the second sock. I 'm thinking of what I can make with the Alpaca.......hmmmmm....maybe a hat or scarf!
The blue alpaca is a great pick me up! Hope you can make it to the guild meeting.
Hi Cindy! I'm sorry to hear your mom isn't well. My best wishes for a speedy recovery.
I got your comment asking about moving over the WordPress. Honestly, I don't know a whole lot about it because I have someone doing it for me (lucky me!), but I was poking around at the new place and found a page in the blog administration section that is just for importing posts and comments, so I think it's fairly straightforward. It gives you a list of places where your original blog resides, and Blogger is one of those choices. I didn't click anything because I didn't want to screw it up, but I imagine if you click "Blogger" in the list, it would ask for the web address and walk you through the import.
It went without a hitch when we did it as a test the first time, my existing blog didn't even seem to notice. But when we did it for realsies, I lost my template and the blog went BOOM. The boyfriend of the person helping me is the one who got the new template to show up, he couldn't rescue the old one. I have no idea what he did, but I bet tech support at Blogger could have helped, too.
If I had simply copied all the text from my template in Blogger and saved it somewhere, I could paste it back into Blogger and have it back. Of course, I didn't do that. Word to the wise. Do that.
I'm still new to WordPress, but so far, it seems very intuitive and easy to create posts. It's all the setting up and designing sidebars and stuff that I'm lousy at. They do have a user forum where you can ask questions.
Hope that helps!
Nothing nicer than being cheered by a surprise gift & such a pretty blue color! Take care & keep knitting!
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