Last Friday the sock and I had a damn good drink after visiting Classic Yarns of Grafton. This was all Judy's fault, of course. On the spur of the moment I agreed to visit Grafton in order to hear the Yarn Harlot speak to quite a few knitters. I was at the back of the room and could barely see and hear her speak because there were so many in the audience. Many of us brought knitting along. As you can see above Judy is holding my sock ( made with Opal's new Tiger in a pattern for Gentleman's Hose in Vintage Sock Knitting) over a two limit Margarita at a lovely Mexican restaurant whose name escapes me at the moment. I drank while waiting for a low carb dinner ( just kidding).
Below you can see some of the knit bloggers who gathered at the restaurant after visiting with the Yarn Harlot. First we see Carol, who smiles so sweetly behind her beverage. Notice her wonderful cat's paw shawl knitted in Koigu.

Of course, other bloggers were there as well.

Can't forget these bloggers....... Somewhere in the crowded restaurant is Laurie, who has been waiting for the Alpaca man...hehehe. She sounded seriously addicted. I got to see her lovely blue socks in person by Jove.

Last but not least here is Stephanie speaking to other bloggers.....Notice Stitchy's aluminum can couture bag just behind her head in the pic below! Very Kitschy, Stitchy!

I did have a great time and believe it or not I bought no new yarn to add to my ever growing stash. I even managed to knit almost the whole leg of a sock by the end of the night...when I wasn't drinking Margaritas!
And a good time was had by all. It was a great mosh pit back there in the yarn store. And low carb quesadillas tasted GOOD.
I got there too late for a margarita. Someone pointed out that the margarita served was actually big enough to be two, so the limit was actually FOUR. Canyon Cafe in Westborough.
Great photos, Cindy! Yours are much better than mine. Good to see you, too and maybe we'll bump into each other in CT.
I sure wish I could have been there! But I guess Stephanie will write another book eventually, and come back this way... ;-)
oh man, see why i should not be in photos? god i look like ass.
but joe and claudia look great.
Sounds like you had a grand time!
Wow! Sounds fabulous to me!
OK, yes. I. Am. Jealous. But I'm also really happy you had such a great time!
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