Since I've been spinning for 10 years, I've gotten into a spinnning rut with regard to a singles thickness. I have been spinning to create a consistently thin yarns for many years. This class helped me to experiment with creating thick yarns as you can see in the pics. Of course....I had to make some thin yarn samples as well, but this time by changing the whorls and the draw used. We spun using different wool rovings as well as silk. We also were given a project to complete. My project is to spin a bulky yarn with threads of other colors for a knitted sweater.
I recommend this class to advanced beginners and intermediate spinners!

Of course.....Judy and I did meet fellow bloggers and a new blogger as well. Be sure to check out Jeannine Bakriges' blog for her course schedule as well as comments on drafting techniques.

The happiness of fiber folks pursuing their craft is overwhelming........
Oh wow, that looks like such fun! And I do see some familiar faces in the crowd... ;-)
That was a great day. It was wonderful to see you, even though the pictures of me look like I've been through a sieve. I'm looking forward to completing my homework, and doing more sampling.
I think that I would enjoy that class, it sounds interesting!
That looks and sounds like so much fun!
Looks like a lot of fun!
Yes, you must have had a great time! My son lives off campus (almost) next door to Webs--I have been known to call him and make a Webs request...he pops in there for me now & then before he drives home to visit. Doesn't look like you'll be in a 'spinning rut' after the class you just took!
was everyone fun at that class???
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