Here are two must see items:
1.A Journey Through Time [Macromedia Flash Player] taken from The Scout Report http://www.lifethroughtime.com/
Noted photographer Frans Lanting opens the website dedicated to his mostrecent ambitious project with these words: “Seven years ago I stood at thetide line of an estuary and began a personal journey through time.”Auspicious words indeed, and this lovely exploration of what he found on this journey takes visitors on a “lyrical interpretation of life on Earthfrom its earliest beginnings to its present diversity.” As visitors click on the words “Start Journey” they will be taken through eighty six photographs which document the various physical landforms and processes from the Hawaiian Islands to the heights of the Himalayas. After clicking on each photo, visitors will be presented with an interactive timeline that locates the photo within a timeline of geologic history. Interested partiescan also peruse the “More about LIFE” section to learn more about the equipment Lanting uses in his work, and how the project came to life. [KMG]
2. Check out the new Knitty. I absolutely love this and this and this! What's a knitter to do? I've got too much on the needles already......I'm off to our Spin Guild meeting holiday party.
Wow, those pictures are amazing. I bookmarked it, so I can see the whole slideshow later.
I love knitty, too!
It is so hard when you have so many things on the needles and then those new patterns come out! I like the caliometry headband which is thankfully very small!
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