Wednesday, September 13, 2006

To Die For

Lately...I've been checking out a few web sites that seem promising for knitters. One is Yarnival. Love the web address...Guzzling Cakes...LOL. Eve at Yarnival is starting " a Blog Carnival for knitters to showcase their content, regardless of their place in the knitting food chain." Anyone who writes a knitting related blog can submit what they want to it. Sounds like a neat idea!!!

If you haven't checked out Knitty magazine, get there now! There are some dynamite patterns for the fall. I'm in love with Avast and the Cablenet sock. Also MagKnits has some interesting patterns...

Last weekend...I had the distinct pleasure of visiting Jan D's home for our annual Dye Day.
There was much food and dyeing fun to be had as you can see below. I tried a new dyeing technique that omits heat in the process, but I'm not quite sure the process produced the color I wanted. I mean I love the pastels of the fiber in the first pic but I wanted a more intense color.

The second pic shows some linen I dyed that day. I am very satisfied with this color;perhaps I'll try weaving with this.

I'm not so pleased with this linen and silk; of course it was a medium brown color to start with....

I am pleased with Mother Nature's Marigold!


AR said...

Dye day sounds fun. I like your yarn. Pretty!

Anonymous said...

I really like the purplish linen (big surprise!)

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing the URL to Yarnival - I didn't know this site before, but I think I'll have a lot of fun browsing through!
What an amazing dyeing job you did, I so love the colors - especially the linen in the purple variations! Beautiful!