I'm posting these weaving pics at Vanessa's request. I absolutely love her Alice Starmore Cape Cod sweater. If you haven't seen it go
here; you won't be disappointed.
This morning I finally got around to washing this table runner made with rayon and wool and silk. It's drying on a rack in my driveway.
You know it occurred to me this morning that my neighbors must think I'm strange. Some days I have skeins of freshly spun or dyed yarn swinging from my driveway lights...not to mention this table runner flapping in the breeze. I try to dry fleece in the backyard for fear they'll think I've skinned an animal....ROFLOL.

Obligatory Knitting Progress: I have finished one of the two baby surplices I'm knitting for twins. I've begun a new project a felted bag made out of variegated Charisma yarn.
Spinning: I'm still toiling away at flicking a gray fleece for a gift of handspun yarn for a friend.
Knit In at Sue's: We had a good time last night. Gail and her daughter, Patty, Paula, Sue, Carol R and Marisa and I were in attendance. Gail was working on a lovely red and yellow cotton hat as well as an Italian pink wool surplice. Her daughter was knitting a perfect blue shawl that just happened to match her blue eyes. Paula was finishing a wonderful dark red pullover. Patty showed us her green and creamy white Opal thigh- high stockings she wears for spinning demonstrations at Coggshell Farm in Bristol, RI. She is now knitting another pair in blue and white. Marisa thought she came to knit, but decided to unravel her latest sweater in Debblie Bliss Soho because it was too big for her. We all helped to unravel and ball the yarn. She began anew...this time knitting it in a the smallest size.
Carol R brought her Einstein sweater in a rich, red Rowan Magpie. She was sewing the final seams in mattress stitch. It is lovely!!!! I tried it on, and ,of course, I want to make it!!! When will the coveting of sweaters end?
Sue was a good girl...resting her arm by not knitting!!! It must have been hard for her...I can only imagine being not able to knit. We missed Judy and Barbara!!