Here is a great use of my Stash and my camera. I took my first self-portrait successfully after 10 tries!!! This felted hat is knit in Peer Gynt yarn.

This morning I mosyed over to
Laurie's blog and listened to her intelligently discuss the most emotional topic of all....that of stash size. This is the first I've heard of microstashing, but I like the concept. In fact I could divide my stash into microstashes and perhaps alleviate the guilt of owning so much fiber and yarn.
Let's see.....there is the fleece microstash hanging out in my garage mostly. This stash doesn't bother me as much since it's by its lonesome away from the twin towers of my real stash. Then there is my bin microstash....this contains rovings and yarns which are separated as to yarn weight. The last microstash is the most embarrassing...this is cones of yarn and other assorted yarns just thrown together in bags in much need of organization.
OOPS....I forgot the dining room corner...this area is the launch pad to the twin towers in the basement. When I buy new yarn or fiber, I park it briefly in the corner of the dining room. DH notices that the pile grows...when it gets too high and he complains, I move it to the I guess this is the birthplace of a microstash.
My DD has been causing me to add to the dining room corner. Look below and you can see I've caused the pile to grow higher with Paton's Classic Wool and Dalegarn Sisik...add to this she got me to buy more yarn today....EEKkkkkk.