I rarely stay up until midnight on New Year's Eve. I haven't watched the ball drop in Times Square for eons. This year I crossed into 2008 knitting, of course. I remember well about 5 or 6 years ago I crossed into the New Year doing a small weaving project. This New Year's Eve I managed to start one of my resolutions............continue knitting Mystery Stole 3. You remember this 2007 project I'm sure. Perhaps you knitted one or still have one in progress. Now the thing about UFO's is their desire to remain that way. I think it's the law of Knitting Inertia............projects at rest tend to want to stay at rest..LOL!!! I broke the inertia barrier, folks. I resurrected MS3. The biggest obstacle was figuring out how to tink back and figure out what row I was on. I did it!!!
It gets better.......I also worked on another UFO,my Komi Hat from
Mostly Mittens by Charlene Schurch started a few years ago.
And....................on Sunday I plyed another skein of mohair/wool and llama purchased from Rhinebeck's Barn 31.

Way to attack those UFOs!
I know what you mean about new years, we get more mellow with it each year.
MS3 is worth finishing! I used a highlighter to mark each row as i knit it, never lost my spot.
enjoy your day!
What a great way to start off the new year! Love your skein.
New Year's is a great time for finishing up those UFOs. It feels good to have a fresh knitting basket for 2008.
I love your skein. I hope you have lots of roving left. BTW, do you say skayn or skeen? I've heard it both ways.
Happy New Year my friend and good knitting. You have become one of the most prolific knitters I can think of. Knit on...
Happy New Year! And congratulations on ressurecting MS3 - I think mine is a permanent victim of Knitting Inertia. :)
Lastly, that handspun is so pretty!
Thanks for your comment on my blog! No I didn't knit the kilt hose - they were part of the hire package - but they certainly got me thinking!
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