Special thanks goes to Two Crazy Knit Chicks for giving me the "Make my Day Award".
A blogger doesn't always know if postings are of interest to other knitters so it's sweet to be recognized in this way.Sometimes readers will leave a comment and that makes my day.
The rules are as follows: “Give the award to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel happy about blogland. Let them know by posting a comment on their blog so they can pass it on. Beware you may get the award several times.”
Here are some bloggers that make my day with their posts which include knitting, pictures and whatever else strikes them as blog worthy. I wish I had time to mention the many more than ten bloggers I read and have not recognized.
Riverrim : Cyndy's postings always touch the heart of the natural world.
in my mother's name : This blogger has such a talent for creating lovely patterns for Norwegian mittens and more.
Habetrot :Marcy has a penchant for finding the most interesting pictures of spinners, knitters and sheep from other centuries.
Stranded on Fair Isle : Marina never fails to impress me with her volume and execution of fair isle knitting. Because of her I have picked up Starmore's Rona once again!
Etherknitter : Laurie has a wonderful way of providing witty descriptions and pictures of her knitting, spinning, traveling and indeed healing.
Spinning Spider Jenny :I had the pleasure of taking one of Jenny's spinning classes at Webs. She generously continues to educate the spinning community through her blog.
Smatterings : Judy shares her daily encounters through her poetic postings, well composed shots of natural beauty and an overflowing dye pot.
Seed Stitch : Another good read with a cup of tea in the morning. Cheryl's cheery knitting
perspective and great photography make my day. She even creates a chart for knitters so we can make our own Poetry Mittens!!!
I'm Knitting as Fast as I Can: Susan lives up to the title of her blog in every way. She not only designs lovely patterns, but she also knits up the patterns of others even though she has an aversion to blocking ;)
Snidknits This knitter who is also named Cindy has recently moved to India and allows her readers to live vicariously through her postings. She just had to get over the fact that I grabbed the name cindyknits before she could ;)