I'm simply not happy unless I have multiple projects going at once. It's the boredom of accomplishing a new task or working with a new fiber that causes
manyprojectitis. Let's face it I love the adventure of beginning a new project or working with a new yarn or technique. I also enjoy the finished project as well.
This is what's going on in my world knitting and spinningwise......................the first project is the Garden Party Shawl I'm knitting with my handpainted silk. I also am on sleeve island with the Reynolds Bulky cardigan.
I'm spinning some Montedale with a new spindle I made with a mini DVD that came in a package of Prilosec. Maybe this could be a new stress reliever concept by the drug company...it may put them out of business!
The last pic is of
Sarah's yarn. I'm contemplating which of the
Victorian Lace Today projects to make...............Alpine Lace is a distinct possibility. There is a
KAL for Victorian Lace projects,but it appears to be filling quickly. If you want to join do so
before February 28th.
One of the Ocean State Knit and Crochet guild members is making Alpine lace in Sarah's ecru
Zephyr Wool-Silk; I'm inspired to make it as well and I NEED another project....right?