Why have I neglected posting a second time this spring? I have a good reason.....
As you all know I have hinted that I have been working on a test knit project designed by Gina Macris. Last Monday I had the distinct pleasure of finishing it! Although there was the challenge of knitting with hemp on size 3 needles and the creation of many bobbles, I learned much from this project.
I learned how to knit the bolster shape in one continuous piece which begins with the circular end of the pillow. This was accomplished with circular needles and increases to make the circle grow. The addition of knitted staggered bobbles on the straightaway of the pillow made me understand and appreciate their amorphous nature. I found making knitted bobble buttons a clever addition to the pillow. I think I will use them on a future sweater.
Below are two pictures of this pillow pattern that will appear in the spring release of one of Gina's new knitting pattern books that will feature accents for the home. Late fall is the planned release date for her pattern book on accessories. One of her books called
Start to Knit: From Casting On to Binding Off is posted at Amazon with a five star rating.
Finally, I learned what it means to test knit a pattern for a designer!!! It means tweaking a pattern and being prepared to rip back if necessary. I'm glad I was willing to persevere; it was well worth the effort!

I'm back to the amazing lace project which is growing. I've also finished spinning one skein of variegated gray yarn. I began by washing one of my gray fleeces, then using a hackle to open the locks. It spins like a dream on my Ashford Joy wheel. I will post pictures soon.