For the last few weeks I have been knitting a lonnnngggggg boring scarf of stockinette stitch thanks to two people. The first is Gail H ; she wore a felted scarf to our guild holiday party that I just had to make. Then Barbara T sent me this wonderful Lion Brand pattern and I was off.

Above you can see the tying of some baubles to create interesting shapes while the scarf felts ( fulls) in the washer.

Here is the scarf after only one cycle in the washer.

I really like this technique!!! Maybe I'll explore more of this!
Wow, thats pretty funky!
I know what you did yesterday afternoon when I left you. ;-)) beautiful!
Funky indeed! What are the round things that you used for the bobbles? I'm assuming you take them out after it's felted?
Kristen,they are plastic holiday beads in different sizes. Yes...I cut the string and release the beads after fulling the scarf.
I was a lucky ducky and got to see Cindy wearing this splendid scarf. I love it! It is soft & drapey and the bobbles suit the design nicely. I want to make one too! Cindy did a great job with the technique.
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