Much has been happening this week in addition

to holiday madness that can be witnessed here
and there. Thursday provided much entertainment at our Oceanstate Knitting and Crochet Guild Holiday party held at Fina's home and hosted by both Fina and Dottie. Fina's husband nicely agreed to take our picture.
Holiday games provided us with much fun. We participated in a good old fashioned Yankee Swap and I must say it brings out our ruthless side. I kept my choosen gift which I've posted below...a lovely set of festive markers made by our very own blogland buddy,
Judy. I love them and I'm sure she has more.
The last below was taken after attending our monthly R I Spinning Guild meeting. The sky was so stunning I had to run in the house to grab my camera.A number of us braved the snowy roads Saturday to share our wares this weekend. Judy continued spinning her bubble gum pink barbie fiber that is wonderfully soft. Harriet with Judy's help knitted an
I-Cord edge on her sweater. Carol R. spun her purple merino while telling the sock untangling story that originated at Sue's RI Handspun one cold night.
Marie D helped a new addition to our gang, Paula( of
The Black Olive fame) spin some merino on her Golding spindle. Paula told us about her use of PDA software to aid in row counting and project listing.
Palmsource provides some neat tools. I have downloaded a trial version of Knitable to my PDA in the past and may explore it a bit more. Paula also worked on a
lovely sock. It is always fun to meet other bloggers out there.
Surfing for Knit Content on the Web.....I typed in " Bloggers who Knit" in Google and came of with a list of many of us! It's uncanny how we, bloggers, have added to the cyberuniverse these past few years. Keep on blogging, baby!!!