Tuesday, July 17, 2012

It's been a Long Time.

Well.......the blog title says it all. I've been so wrapped up in watercolor painting and my first  6 person show called Summer Solstice at R I Watercolor Society that I haven't posted in a long while. The opening went well with about 200 visitors. The show closes this Thursday.

I went to my local guild meeting last Saturday and spun some fiber on my spindle. Didn't quite want to drag my Ashford Joy to the meeting in the heat. We had a good time as always comparing projects.

I did work on knitting the Elizabeth sweater until the dang heat sapped my desire to work on the heavy sweater knitted in one piece. I also started  a free Stephen West Purl Ridge Scarf that I'm knitting out of my handspun yarn. It's  simple circular knitting project. I need to start another sock knitting project. Any suggestions for the pattern I should use?

Thanks to Iris I came across a cool video that explains a ton of ways to wear a scarf. Although the scarves are made of fabric the techniques apply to hand-knitted scarves as well.
Check it out..............