Monday, November 12, 2012


I just finished plying one skein of this wonderful yarn. I have two more bobbins to ply. Next I will get back to spinning more of the same fiber. I've forgotten how much of this fiber I have since I bought it from Rhinebeck over ten years ago. Talk about aged stash!!! I'm also working on a hat for a friend. I'm hoping it matches her wonderful blue eyes.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

It's been a Long Time.

Well.......the blog title says it all. I've been so wrapped up in watercolor painting and my first  6 person show called Summer Solstice at R I Watercolor Society that I haven't posted in a long while. The opening went well with about 200 visitors. The show closes this Thursday.

I went to my local guild meeting last Saturday and spun some fiber on my spindle. Didn't quite want to drag my Ashford Joy to the meeting in the heat. We had a good time as always comparing projects.

I did work on knitting the Elizabeth sweater until the dang heat sapped my desire to work on the heavy sweater knitted in one piece. I also started  a free Stephen West Purl Ridge Scarf that I'm knitting out of my handspun yarn. It's  simple circular knitting project. I need to start another sock knitting project. Any suggestions for the pattern I should use?

Thanks to Iris I came across a cool video that explains a ton of ways to wear a scarf. Although the scarves are made of fabric the techniques apply to hand-knitted scarves as well.
Check it out..............

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Great Ceramics at RI Wool and Fiber Fest

I had a great time spinning at Coggeshall Farm Saturday. I bought a wonderful yarn bowl from Rising sun Earthworks! Here's a sample of her work.
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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Latest FO

I finished the Meret beret for my aunt. Cotton Ease is a great yarn for a spring tam.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


When my daughter married I made her a ring bearer pillow out of my wedding dress train. She loved it, and it made sense to use my gown for a special purpose.

Last month a friend asked me to make a pillow for her daughter' s wedding.She was fortunate to have pieces of the wedding attire of her grandmother, mother and her own gown. I had her cut the pieces I would use to make the pillow. Another friend washed the lace we had cut from the three fabrics. Last week I finished the pillow.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Pink !

What a joy to knit these baby pants. Kanoko is a free pattern in Ravelry.

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Spinning Again.....

I've been so involved with painting that I neglected spinning. It feels so good to feel the wool in my hands. I've spun up 3 full bobbins and almost a 4th. Soon I'll be plying.