You know that eventually we have to weed and trim the garden. We can wait until next spring or we can do the work in the fall. Today I spent some time weeding and trimming plants in my driveway garden that gave me so much joy last spring....the Siberian Iris, the Mountain Mint, the False Indigo,the many lovely lilies and more. But I could not trim the Russian me sentimental...I could not rob some bees of the chance to still feast on its lovely purple flowers. I'm so happy I took the time to work on the garden and spend some time enjoying this beautiful day.
On the knitting front I've been happily working on my Rhinebeck know from the book
A Fine Fleece which I very much love. I'm using some Green Mountain Spinnery worsted wool which appears to be a singles. I'm finished with the patterned part of the back and fronts which are knit together on a circular needle. I also have been spinning some merino and mohair on my KL spindle.

Last weekend I did some spinning at the