The hot weather has been keeping me away from wool so I've managed to get some of
Picovoli done. I must say I love working with Debbie Bliss's Cathy. it is very soft and I'm loving the color. I'm sure the monitor colors don't quite get the color right, but trust me it's a lovely gray-blue. I am not too happy with my increases so I wrote to the
Techknit list for advice. They are always willing and eager to help and the email traffic is very low. One of the listees suggested I knit into the back
then the front of the stitch instead of the other way round to get a better looking increase. I will try that technique soon.....
It's a joy to work on this shell pattern because there will be no sewing up to do since it's knit in the round.

Today I spent a good part of the morning organizing my stash. Believe it or not I removed most of my new yarns from the dining room corner to some plastic boxes in the basement. all know this is dangerous! If that dining room corner is empty, you can guess what I'll do......fill it with more yarn!!!! When will it end? At least DD is a knitter now and can benefit from my acquistions :).
While surfin' the web I found some interesting articles on
Nalbinding....knit and crochet's cousin.
Enjoy the Links!